cleaner shrimp & peppermints


i have 3 cleaner shrimp in my 100gal tank, been there for three years. i put 6 peppermints in three months ago, because, i had purchased a coral with aptasia. but my cleaner shrimp will not let the peppermints come out and do there job, they are chasing the peppermints back into holes in my LR, when i purchased the peppermints i made sure they were as large as my cleaners,my question is, has anybody else had this problem b4, and what can i do about it ?, and what can i do about the aptasia that has started trying to take over the top left side of my tank? i didn't see the awful creature on the coral attached to a piece of LR. any sugestions would be helpful.
thanks tonya-sr

nm reef

Active Member
Hmmm...I've kept a few peppermints with my pair of cleaners and there has never been a problem...maybe your cleaners are just used to having their territory and are having a difficult time adjusting to the new additions.
As for the aiptasia...the peppermints may be effective in eliminating or controlling the smaller ones but you may need to consider injections of kalkwasser or a new product called "joes juice" to control the larger ones. Sometimes its best to use a combination of methods to eliminate the nasty peasts.


thanks NMreef i appreciate the info, i tried kalkwasser, it seemed all it did was feed them, so i ordered joe's juice last week it should be here today:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: can't wait. at this point i am willing to try any thing. thanks again tonya-sr


I agree with NM Reef about additional methods for the anemones.
In the wild, peppermint shrimp are night time feeders and hide throughout the day. I have even observed this with wild caught peppermints that I caught and placed in my native tank.
It may be a different story with cultured peppermints. Have you noticed them being active at night? You may want to go up to your tank with a flashlight after the lights have been off for a few hours to see this.
The cleaners may just be acting territorial. Give it time and lets see if they don't adjust to their new tank mates. We have had them in our invert tank with no porblems.


hey beach, ya i have watched them at night with my infro red flash light, as i call it ha ha, they still hide even at night. i know there eating good also, because when i feed my fish, the peppermints will run out of there hiding holes and grab some frozen brine & micies shrimp, whitch i find very ironic, (shrimp eating shrimp).i was thinking that they are eating good so why do there job, right! wellhow do i feed my fish & invertabrates,with out them getting? i guess there just going to be fat and lazy pep shrimp. but i also think your right, its going to maybe take time forn them to all adjust to each other, (I HOPE).