Cleaner Shrimp question


I bought a Cleaner Skunk Shrimp last week and only one of my fish will go near him.Does it normally take other fish awhile to let the cleaner shrimp clean them? Just wondering?


Active Member
I have 2 Skunk Shrimp and the only fish that will let them clean it is our Yellow Tang. Both our Ocellaris and True Percula clown let them touch sometimes, but not clean. Our YT let's one of the shrimp ride on it's side :)


hehe too funny.Yeah the only fish that will let my cleaner shrimp clean is my porcupine puffer and that is because he is just so nosey, has to inspect everything. My damsel seems to be showing alittle interest in the shrimp but won't let the shrimp clean him yet. The shrimp does however play in my long tentacle anemone which I thought was weird being that the anemone is supposed to be poisonous.


Active Member
We have a Condi anemone and both shrimp love teasing it. Right now that the luna lights are on and the Condi is about half it's size, the smaller shrimp is *cleaning* it. I hope he doesn't get surprised and end up being eaten :lol


Oh no! Yeah I feel alittle afraid of that as well when my shrimp seems to be playing or cleaning my anemone.


My cleaner has certain fish that he prefers to clean, most of the time he hangs out with my velvet damsel. Occasionally he'll grab hold of my smaller clown. He also loves to clean my hand when I put it in the tank to fix something my urchin knocked over. Wait til it starts having eggs every couple of weeks. I always find live babies in my filter and put them in a breeding net, they usually find their way out and either get eaten or hide in the rocks. Every now and then I see them walking on the rocks. They seem to take forever to grow. Any way, they are cool and active additions to your tank so enjoy and if the conditions in your tank are riht he will set up a "cleaning station."


Originally Posted by damselz
OH and correct me if I'm wrong but aren't shrimp on the menu for puffers? I'd be careful.
I would not keep a shrimp with a puffer. The puffer will eat him. It is part of his diet.


Yes puffers will eat shrimp and other inverts if they are not kept fed.So far my puffer hasn't been interested in my cleaner shrimp other than a casual cleaning hehe. So I will hope for the best


tangs seem to like my cleaner shrimp, the maroons seem to like my neon goby i have both just because some fish do not like the shrimp, and the others the goby, my sailfin likes both, ive watched him let the cleaner shrimp clean the inside of his mouth was kinda funny, he was quivering but seemed to like it, hes also let the neon goby go into his gills, that was just disgusting