Cleaner Shrimp Remove Ich?


Ok so, I got this little Domnio Damsel yesterday. He hid in my tank overnight and in the morning my husband noticed those dreaded little white spots. Hopefully they weren't in the stage where it infected the rest of my tank but I'm currently monitoring that.
Anyhoo, the Damsel was removed and put in a large bowl with an airstone for QT (with water from the tank - don't have my hospital setup right now and won't for a few weeks).
I was told that if I put a little cleaner shrimp in with him, he should pick off the Ich. Is that an option I should consider, or should I just treat the little guy where he's at right now? I have no problem throwing a cleaner shrimp in with him.
Luckily I only have 2 other fish in the tank, a little live rock and some plants (relatively new tank). Should I just treat him in the main display?
Any thoughts?


Active Member
dont treat him in the main tank. will ruin your live rocks and stuff look at thread at top of disease and treatment and it will tell you how to treat ich. cleaner shrimp do clean off fish put them in your main tank with the fish you are watching out for the ich not in the bowl.


it doesn't remove ich. it helps a little and it feeeds your cleaner shrimp, although it's better to feed it with minced garlic or Zoecon etc .. Something that will boost it's immune system.

bird dog

Go to Q&A at top of message board and read about ick and hypo treatment.
Then you will know the correct facts.Just scroll down its all there.


I already read the Q&A, trust me I know how to treat ich and I do not do it in the main tank. I was just wondering about the shrimpy.
I currently have mr. damsel in a hospital now, with a low dose of copper treatment which I'll work up to full over the next few days. My husband "rinsed" him last night, the spots are gone this morning. He's not taking too well to the treatment, but he's probably rediculously stressed out. I tested the water from the tank he came out of and the spec. gravity was 1.031 and PH was 8.6 - eeeeeeeew. (That's not MY tank's conditions - I like 8.2 and 1.024)
As for the main tank, thanks for the advice I'll be getting a cleaner shrimp later today to keep those guys healthy :happyfish

bird dog

The cleaner shrimp wont hurt. A small one works better because they sort of swim and the fish let them craw on them better. 1.025 works for my shrimp