cleaner shrimp spawned


New Member
I have two cleaner shrimp and one dropped a load of babbies. I netted a couple to see if they could be raised. I have no clue how to do it. I'll try a little yeast first. If anyone has a better idea it would be welcomed. The rest in the tank I guess became live food.


New Member
I have what looks like 3 in a one gallon tank, but it's hard to see them. If I get any where I'll advertise. Thanks.


My cleaners spawned also about 2 weeks ago. I've had many shrimp spawn before in my 55 gal. and never could raise them. They need alot of live food like baby brine(which I didn't have) but the water can't get fowled. Next time try scooping them with a glass or something as a net can injure them easily.
They need a bare tank with an airstone but not too much current as to injure them. You also need to siphen off the bottom and do small water changes quite frequently.
I left mine in my reef (150 gal. set up for 5 yrs) and I still have what I'm pretty sure are the babies yet. They are swimming in the back of my tank just above the sand. I'm hoping that being there in such a large tank they might find enough food. I've never had them live this long before.
I'm also surprised my fish did't eat them all.


New Member
So far I managed to keep one alive in a 1 gal tank with an air stone and changing the water. I'm feeding it newly hatched brine shrimp. Only time will tell.