Cleaner shrimp vs. Neon Goby


Active Member
WHat do you think is a better cleaner for small fish (like clownfish size). I had a cleaner shrimp in the past and he rarely ever tried to clean any of my small fish. I am curious if I would have better luck with a neon goby.


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I am a big fan of neon gobies. I would also recommend them before cleaner shrimps unless the fish in the tank are tiny (goby sized).


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I have mostly small fish, two o clowns about 2 inches long each, a blue damsel also 2 inches, a scooter blenny also 2 inches, and a royal gramma who is about 3 inches long so I am trying to find something that will serve as a cleaner for them.


Active Member
I prefer the cleaner shrimp, because if the tank gets ich, the neon goby could get ich and die, as where the cleaner shrimp cannot. Yes, the neon gobies are cool, but I think cleaner shrimps are the best way to go.


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Originally Posted by Emperor11
I prefer the cleaner shrimp, because if the tank gets ich, the neon goby could get ich and die, as where the cleaner shrimp cannot. Yes, the neon gobies are cool, but I think cleaner shrimps are the best way to go.
I had a neon goby that was covered in ich once (when I got it thru the mail). I tried another one and the same thing happened. For me they seem to be ich magnets.


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Originally Posted by alyssia
I had a neon goby that was covered in ich once (when I got it thru the mail). I tried another one and the same thing happened. For me they seem to be ich magnets.
Interesting. I had a similar situation with a cleaner wrasse. Did you say you tried BOTH a cleaner shrimp and a neon goby not clean your fish?? I have NEVER heard of a cleaner shrimp that won't clean, as thats their natural feeding habit. Are you sure he never does, like behind a rock, or at night? Thats really strange.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emperor11
Interesting. I had a similar situation with a cleaner wrasse. Did you say you tried BOTH a cleaner shrimp and a neon goby not clean your fish?? I have NEVER heard of a cleaner shrimp that won't clean, as thats their natural feeding habit. Are you sure he never does, like behind a rock, or at night? Thats really strange.

I have had 3 or 4 cleaners that don't clean. IDK, maybe they are cleaning at night, I never thought about that. I have actually seen lots of posts on here from people saying that their cleaner shrimp don't clean. Someone told me that if they get enough to eat they won't clean. Don't know it it's true or not though.


Active Member
I have had cleaner shrimp before and over time they would give up on cleaning. Maybe the fish were clean and didn't need cleaning anymore or maybe they just got lazy and just ate the food I gave my fish. I think I have heard that as cleaner shrimp get old that they are less likely to clean.. Also with smaller fish, the fish seemed to be scared that have the shrimp climbing all over them...


Active Member
my cleaner shrimp cleans like crazy!! it jumps on the clowns and scares the ---- outta then and always on the yellow tang she loves it!!! there best friends! i also had a neon goby that got ick and died all the tangs and other fish never got any and bam neon has it and died i was shoked!