Cleaner Shrimp W/ Black specks!!!

sea horse

My tank is about 2 years old and I'v had the cleaner shrimp for at least 6 months. The only thing I'v added reasently is some pulsing xenia about a week ago. The specks on the cleaner shrimp are black and there are some on his gill area, back and tail area. I can't seem to get a good picture of them. He is still eating and acting normaly. I should have good water beacause I did a 20% water change a few days ago. all of the other critters seem to be fine. :help:


Not to worries that black specks is the scar when he/she molt (soft shell) and something try to eat him/her but it got away and scar heel up and it turn black. Just like people scar. The black specks will be gone the next time it molts if nothing tries to attack it again and lookout to see if anything tries to pick on him.


Active Member
Yeah, nothing to worry about. I don't know if anything as dramatic as almost being eaten happened or not, but it's normal for these shrimp to get these black dots as they get older, for whatever the reason.


Are the specks really really small? If so probably just a precursor to a molt.
If they are relatively large in area, may be epicarean isopods. My cleaner died from this. Looked and ate fine, one day went to hide (I thought he was going to molt), later in front part of tank dead and being sucked under by cleaner crew. JME.

sea horse

Unfortunately the spots are realitively large. They are all different sizes and shapes though so I'm hoping the anemonie just got a hold of him.