cleaner shrimp with aggressives?


I had a smaller lion and a pretty big coral banded shrimp in a 55. THe lived fine for 6 months or so.
I moved to a 75, the coral died, lion and a damsel got ick from a dory fish i got from a friend. I put both of them into a hospital tank. (damsel died anyway, lion and dory are doing okay)
I'm worried about a new fire shrimp i put into my reg tank. It's a good size and it's firey red. I've noticed him trying to clean my other fish in the tank, i'm crossing my fingers that de-bo(lion) will not get try and get him.
IN the hospital tank, it was intersting that my kion and domino damsel were soooo close.. fin to fin..
I think my lion is pretty tame.