I bought a cleaning crew from this web site, and a few fish. The cleaning crew I bought came with 5 cleaner shrimp, 25 scarlet hermit crabs, 30 blueleg hermit crabs, 25 turbo snails, 10 nassarius snails, and 5 peppermint shrimp. It was also supposed to come with 1 emerald crab, but that wasn't in the package when I got it. Anyways, 1-2 hours after I added in everything, the 5 cleaner shrimp died! I have no idea why. I followed the acclimation to a T, my water checks out pretty much perfect. Are these difficult to care for? What made all 5 of them die pretty much instantly? The blueleg hermits, all the snails, and the peppermint shrimp are all doing fine. I also lost the scarlet hermits, all of them, but that was my fault. I didn't acclimate them correctly, and they pretty much kicked it as soon as they hit the water. That wasn't the case with the cleaner shrimp though, I made sure they were fully acclimated and they didn't make it. I did save them all and I am sending them back, hopefully will replace them for me, but does anybody have an explanation on this, or recommendations for when I get more?