Cleaner Shrimp


New Member
Hey what do these guys eat. I just got a couple in and wanted to know. Also one seems to have pulled out one of my crabs. I don't know if it was already dead or the shrimp killed it. It seems like the cleaner shrimp wants to eat it. Thanks in advance


New Member
LOL I don't think he was cleaning the crab. He dragged it all over the place. Another question. If a fish is stressed due to acclimation, does the fish ever recover or continues to be stressed out? I am assuming the fish would convert to its surroundings within a day or two but I am still asking? Also when giving a fresh water bath. The fish are obviously stressed out in that situation. I just gave one to one of my fish and I know i did the best for the fish, it had parasites in it but when i put him back in the saltwater he died. I would like to give all my fish that I buy a fresh water bath. Need some information on how to do it properly or if there are less stressful methods of doing it???? Thanks


Do a search for a QT tank on this site and you will find lots of info about how to treat your fish. The disease forum will also help you find the right procedure to use.
Btw my cleaner shrimp eats everything, even flakes that float on the surface. He'll swim right up and eat them upside down.


Active Member
I'm acclimating a second Cleaner Shrimp as we speak. I figured Batman could use a sidekick. :D