Cleaner Shrimp


:jumping: went to the lfs today and heres what i got
1 cleaner shrimp
3 nass snails
2 turbos
and its doing good but the cleaner wont come out from hiding behind the rock :rolleyes: he is staying in the same place ?>??


is it a skunk cleaner? how onld is the tank? he might be or has just recently molted. when they do they tend to hide and hang out next to thier shell. using it as a decoy for their new shell is still soft. or he might be a pregnant she tending to the sank of eggs under her thorax. how long have you had it? if its only a day or so give it time wait till tommorrow and offer some brine they are very good eaters! and are not shy to come to the surface and even clean off your hand while arranging rocks. be patient.


if its a coral bandit then they usually handg out behind rocks and come out at night after they've established themselves. if its a coral bandit dont get another! they'll fight to death! ive got three skunk cleaners in my tank they do well in groups good luck!


ill post a pic once it comes from out of the rocks she moved a bit but still hideing behind the rock i fed brine and she didnt bidge ill keep you posted :scared:
ill post a pic today


Just give it a little bit of time for it to adjust to the new environment. Our skunk cleaner did the same thing, hid for the first 2 or 3 days until he got used to where he was. Now, he's all over.
You did acclimate him first tho, correct? Because they are sensitive to changes in water....and it is a very good possibility that your tank water is not the same as the LFS's water.....


i acclamited him for 1h and he is moving around a bit more now
i think you guys were right he just needed time to adjust !!!!! :yes: