Cleaner Shrimp?


Would like everyone's opinion on what is the best of the cleaner shrimp as far as cleaning off parasites and just cleaning in general and the best survivor?

mr . salty

Active Member
They do an excelant job cleaning the fish. I have HAD two and the fish literally line up to have him work on them.Unfortunatly both have fallen victum to my large carpet anemone in a couple days. STEVE


I have 2 skunk, and 1 blood. I like the blood better, but that is just my opinion. They both clean the about same, but the blood was more expensive.


I only know of one type of cleaner shrimp b/c the blood shrimp and the skunk as far as I know only are just plain shrimp who don't really clean off fish from parasites like a cleaner, They may do a little but a true cleaner is very good at it's job and sets up it's own little station somewhere in the tank for cleaning. It has a solid red line down its back for its coloring. Hopefully this might help a little.


Active Member
TLarz the shrimp refered to as the skunk and the one you are speaking of are one in the same. It has a red stripe down its back split by a white line.


I have a regular old skunk cleaner..He does a great job of grooming all my fish, except the Dragon Wrasse, I've never seen the wrasse go near the shrimp. On the other hand my Niger Trigger just loves to be picked clean. I was worried that he would munch on the shrimp, it took 3 months for the shrimp to get up the nerve to pick at him. It kind of reminds me of the little birds that clean the teeth of those crocidiles, inside the crocs mouth. I'm going to get another cleaner pretty soon. They are great to watch.