cleaner shrimp?


hey i just got a cleaner shrimp and i was wondering about them cleaning there tank mates.he does seem eager to get to work but no one stops by could this be cause hes new to the tank i have a scooter blenny,two false percs,striped damsel,coral beauty.he always trying to snag the coral beauty but its just not trying to have none of that.hopefully in time everyone will accept him.


When I put my cleaner in the only thing that would let him work was the blue tang. The tang will lay on his side and let him do his thing. In a week or so I noticed my perc was stopping by also. After everyone found him harmless they will even let him pick in their mouths. Just give him a while and he will also need idione or he will not molt and croak. I found that out the hard way.


thanks im adding coralife invertebrate calcium supplement a concentrated ionically balanced calcium. if this isnt good enough let me know or if anyone know so that i can get something .


What is your calcium level? I would still add idione for the shrimp. I use kent marine idione and add it 1 time a week. Keep an eye on the level though.


the calcium level has nothing to do with your shrimp not cleaning your fish. there are certain fish that like to get cleaned and certain ones that don't. the fish that like it are mostly big fish such as tangs and large angels. the only fish you have that might pull up to get cleaned is the coral beauty.


Active Member
I would also add selcon to your tank water or you can mix it with fozen prepaird foods when feeding its very good for fish and all cleaners live on my shark now


New Member
I recently bought a cleaning crew. They did a great job cleaning up the algae. In the last
couple of days I have found 7-8 dead crabs. My cleaner shrimp was feasting on a couple of them. Why are they dying?


Active Member
I have both the typical cleaner shrimp and peppermint and sexy shrimp....The only supplements I add is calcium in the form of B-ionic. never have added any other trace elements like iodine etc.......I use Instant ocean salt, rodi water, and have never had a problem with ich or other sickness and all my shrimp molt just fine, can usually be seen with eggs, watch them spawn and keep on doing the shrimp thing. I do water changes but not on a set schedule, but when I get to it.....Sometimes I wonder if all these supplements etc is hype or I certainly have never had a problem and most of my shrimp are well over a year since I got them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jd7128
I recently bought a cleaning crew. They did a great job cleaning up the algae. In the last
couple of days I have found 7-8 dead crabs. My cleaner shrimp was feasting on a couple of them. Why are they dying?

What are your water parameters? Are you sure the crabs didn't just molt?