cleaner shrimp


New Member
I have 2 cleaner shrimp it looks like they r both carrying eggs. they r a greenish color the eggs. Was woundering if they r eggs what could i do to save some of the babies? only have yellow watchman gobie,carbs,snails,and coral in 30 gal. any advise would be helpfull as i am new to saltwater


Active Member
Most likely they are eggs. They will release them into the water when ready.....most likely they will become a nice snack for the other life in the tank....
Very few Lysmata sp. like scarlets or fire shrimps have ever been tank raised with success but others like Peppermints have.....


Active Member
Congrats!! Them having eggs shows they are happy any healthy... a testament to your tank’s health.

tang lover

Well most likely they will become food. Because the tank inhabitants will eat them. Even their own mother. But if you were to even try then you would have to put the mom in a seperate tank. And let her have the babies. You would have to feed them one day old brine shrimp. But you would have to be careful because the babies are really fragile!!! Good luck if you try this. And the eggs will whiten as they become closer to hatching.