cleaner shrimp?


I recently got two clownfish and a small cleaner shrimp.
Lately, I have noticed the shrimp will sometimes come out and the clown fish will swim near it- and the shrimp comes out and tries to clean them. He is successful most of the time, and the clowns do not let him too near - but enough to clean them for a couple of seconds.
I know this is what shrimp do - but it isn't a problem is it? It doesn't mean that the clowns NEED this because they have something on them ? ich? or whatever?


My guess is it wouldnt be a cause for concern. Did you QT the clowns before placing them in the DT? I would be more concerned if the clowns were going to the shrimp a lot. In your case it just sounds like the shrimp is trying to do his job and the clowns arent too happy with it. Mine are the same way.


It's completely natural. - Parasites sometimes are not deadly to the fish, and the shrimp will eat them. - Sometimes they are deadly and the fish eat them.
Its apart of the life cycle.
- Remember fish are animals, God gave them an immune system for a reason. - They are able to help themselves as long as you provide them with a natural environment. - Obviously they were not made to live in a jar, persay like we are placing them in. - But thats why water conditions and current are so important to the animals we keep.
Keep it natural, and they'll take care of themselves!


no they did not go in QT - have heard arguments for both sides, they were the 2nd and 3rd fish in the tank (i know that doesn't matter, just saying, this isn't a huge estrablished tank)..
I don't see any ich either - I just wondered, especially since the clowns did seem to let the shrimp clean -- i don't think like someone said, the clowns are seeking them out - it is usually the shrimp finding the clowns, but they let him (like when I see it, the shrimp makes contact with each fish once or twice, and they don't swim far away from the shrimp)