My cleaner is always trying to get to the 2 tangs, but they only stop once in awhile......that I know of, who knows what they do when Im at
Originally Posted by donald
How many people have cleaner shrimp that actualy clean their fish?
It is more up to the fish whether a cleaning will go on.
I heard that they are much better and more couragous in groups.
My two have thier own day holes, then they go to town at night. I feed them some frozen plankton they other day and they started break dancing!
Originally Posted by buckster71
I heard that they are much better and more couragous in groups.
My two have thier own day holes, then they go to town at night. I feed them some frozen plankton they other day and they started break dancing!
I've got a Coral Banded that doesn't really care to clean. Even when the fish back up to him and flutter and even lay on their sides. One the other hand...
the skunk shrimp cleans my hand and anything else he can find...
dang! After reading this, I took note of my shrimp more and have noticed that I can't find my second cleaner! they hide a bit in the 120 lbs of LR, so I didn't see that one was gone
I think I will get another Mine just keeps reaching out for whom ever swims by and the tang loves him they travel together sometimes across the tank cool to watch
Ps caught my star fish wrestling with him but he got away think it was a fight over a good cleaning and the star said no
I think I am going to put the star in the sump to protect the other inhabitants