cleaner shrimp


I came home today and was looking in my tank i notice my cleaner shrimp was gone.
Could my maxima clam had ate or my harlequin star fish. I also have a red linkia star fish in my coral tank with damsels that is about one inch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by thai
I came home today and was looking in my tank i notice my cleaner shrimp was gone.
Could my maxima clam had ate or my harlequin star fish. I also have a red linkia star fish in my coral tank with damsels that is about one inch.

It is unlikely any of those are issues. How long have you had the shrimp? what are your parameters? I agree that it may be in hiding after a molt, but it is worth double checking that all is in order.


Originally Posted by ophiura
It is unlikely any of those are issues. How long have you had the shrimp? what are your parameters? I agree that it may be in hiding after a molt, but it is worth double checking that all is in order.
my nitrite is 0 ammonia 0 nitrate maybe .10 ph is 8.2. I had my shrimp over a month it has molt 2 weeks ago. I hope he is hiding but i doubt it cross my finger for now..
Oh i also have a emerald crab could he eat it?


I have seen personally an emerald crab eat a cleaner shrimp. Now I am not sure because a person's tank that I know, he prolly wasn't feeding the crab alot. but I have seen the crab grab the shrimp, shred it and eat it and all that was left was the crabs head. just my .02
That could be the culprit or like stated by others it is hiding during the molting process.