Cleaner Shrimp.....


hello, i have a question. Do cleaner shrip shead? The only reason i ask is because i had one cleaner shrimp in my tank and now i have 2. The second looks kind of transparent.....thanks for your help


All shrimp 'shed' (molt).
does the transparent one just sit there and do nothing, excpet maybe drift with the current? if so- its the empty shell from it molting. All crustaceans dont have in inner skelaton like us, but an exoskeleton, and therefore in order to grow larger, must shed this from time to time.
first time my sally lightfoot crab did this, i thought it was dead! :eek: THen our she came from behnd a rock, a little bigger, and brighter....


Yep He molted. This is natural. You will see this happen around the new moon during lunar cycle. HTH