Cleaner Shrimp


I've been reading quite a bit about cleaner shrimp. They sound there any special needs for them....can they be in f/o or only reef systems? I currently have 38 gal f/o with a clown, fiji devil, spotted hawk, royal gramma. Would love to get something interesting. How compatible would a shrimp be? Also does anyone have any suggestions on what I could add next? Thank you so much for the info!!


You can have a cleaner shrimp in your FO tank. Your gramma may be upset at first but then it will figure out that the cleaner offers a good service. I don't know how big your fish are but it sound like you should get only one more fish. I would suggest the yellow wrasse. It's bright yellow and peaceful.



Originally posted by blender:
You can have a cleaner shrimp in your FO tank. Your gramma may be upset at first but then it will figure out that the cleaner offers a good service. I don't know how big your fish are but it sound like you should get only one more fish. I would suggest the yellow wrasse. It's bright yellow and peaceful.

The gramma is about 2 inches the devil and clown about 1 1/2 inch and hawk is 2 1/2. I guess I thought I could have more than 5 fish. Do the fish I have require a lot of room? I was hoping to have a few more. What is the guide line for space?



Originally posted by Polka:
I've been reading quite a bit about cleaner shrimp. They sound there any special needs for them....can they be in f/o or only reef systems? I currently have 38 gal f/o with a clown, fiji devil, spotted hawk, royal gramma. Would love to get something interesting. How compatible would a shrimp be? Also does anyone have any suggestions on what I could add next? Thank you so much for the info!!


I love Ling, my cleaner shrimp. She is a real hoot to watch, from catching food as it floats through the tank, to cleaning my coral beauty. She has molted twice since I have had her (three weeks), and is quite peaceful. She climbs up my arm every chance she gets, and I highly recommend you get yourself one!


Rule of thumb is one inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water and one inch of invert for every 6 gallons of water


Thank you so much for all the information. I really learn alot from this site and from everyone's Q & A.