Hello all. I just purchased a cleaner shrimp instead of buying the dreaded cleaner wrasse (for a few reasons). So it is called a cleaner shrimp and yet not once has it even attempted to clean one of my 4 fish (5"emperor, 6"naso, 2.5"purple tang, and 3" threadfin b/f). The shrimp has been in the tank for 5 days already and will eat out of my hand if I give it some food, but other than that, it does NOTHING!!! I bought the darn thing to clean the fish and keep them healthy. I just added the purple tang and threadfin b/f (also a racoon b/f that died a few days ago, he wouldn't eat) to my tank and there was some initial chasing by the big bad emperor and the 3 new fish were scratching, some more than others. And then my darn emperor even started to scratch a little which gave a damn heartattack. Well luckily now, the fish have stopped scratching and all are doing well it seems. But I know the fish have not lost the parasites, there are still present, and the CLEANER shrimp continues to not CLEAN them. So what gives, why won't it clean, why is it called a cleaner shrimp if it doesn't clean??? Any stories or words of advice pertaining to cleaner shrimp would be much appreciated. And then about the racoon b/f. This is the second one I have ordered from ff, and the second one that has died. I have a 125g tank with a huge protein skimmer, over 90lbs of lr (plenty of hiding spots), lots of little things to munch on the rock, great water parameters, and no mean or harrasing tankmates (besides the first day when my emperor chases all the new acquisitions for awhile). And they both died the same way basically, not eating, but looking like they wanted to eat, but not what I was giving them. Then within a 3-7 days, no swimming, and then on their last day, rapid jerky swimming and then lodging themselves in a rock and dying. I have just about had it with these darn fish that are supposedly easy to keep and aren't. And the ones that are hard to keep aren't. I have raised my emperor from a 4" semi adult into a very thick, very healthy, beautiful adult over the last year and he was only the second fish into my tank and only 4 months after I had got the tank up and running. Emperors are supposed to have high mortality rates in captivity and should only be tried by expert aquariasts with large tanks, and yet mine has been like a horse, I would have to beat it with a stick to kill it. And the racoon b/f is said to be a great first marine fish to try as it is hardy, eats well, and is more tolerant of water conditions than other b/fs. So if anyone that has a racoon, or HAD one, could let me know whats up with theirs, how long they have had it, what they got it started on eating, etc I would also appreciate it. Thanks to everyone for reading this insanely long post and replying, Jollygreen.