cleaner shrip


Why do clear shrip and their relatives cost so darn much they cost more than some fish(yellow tangs)? DO they do alot for the tanks or what?


I understand how you feel. However, since I purchased my first one, I think they're pretty neat. Mine would climb up my hand and arm to find food when my hands are in the water. They do add color and character to the tank as well as help clean the tank and the fish from parasites. I have one right now and I'm about to get a few more for my 180g reef.


Midway Pets in Des Moines on Pacific Highway has them for $15.99 and ***** has them for $14.99. I mostly go to Midway since most of their livestock are the lowest in town.


New Member
I dunno about you but I consider that a very cheap fish.. under 20 dollars for a nice one.
They don't do much for a reef tank but I have one and its a
very curious and active critter. Hes one of my favorites because
he is always out in the open.
A lot of reef animals tend to hide among the rocks, but most cleaners are not shy at all.
I have a fire shimp I paid close to 50 dollars, he looks really
cool but he hides in the rocks all day and avoides bright lights
and probably feeds mainly at night...


New Member
cleaner shrimp are a cool addition to the tank. they will clean the parasites off of any fish thus helping keep the fish healthy. they love to be active in the day, they will crawl all about your hand when it's feeding time, and are a colorful addition to the tank. it's kind of like having a shrimp as a pet. weird, but cool

zack schwartz

Active Member
Hey I am also in seattle and i get mine at saltwater city and *****. They are ok for the money but are alwys stealing food from my corals!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(


I make sure to feed them a chunk first before feeding the corals. That way they won't steal them.

reef fool

Active Member
you definitely need a cleaner shrimp!!! My clown tang speds half the day rubbing up against him. They are very cool to watch and at night they are all over the place cleaning off all of the sleeping tankmates. You can even hand feed them! Just make sure you acclimate them properly (twice as long as fish) or the may not make the night!!!