cleaner wrass is sick...what could it be??

my cleaner wrass has not done that great of a job cleaning off ick, but he's good looking in my tank and has taken up to flakes so that's how it's been. Last night he started to hide from me, someting that he's never done before, and today he came out and has some kinda growth on his fin. His dorsal fin also lookes like it is coming apart...he doesn't look so good...what can I do to help him because he was a good looking addition to my tank..
Please help!

bang guy

Proper nutrition for Cleaner Wrasses means lots and lots of fish slime. They need many large fish to obtain enough slime to live long term. Tangs don't count. Your fish is probably suffering from malnutrition and the immune system is starting to fail. See if you can get it to eat meatier foods like Mysis shrimp or minced clams.
Also, watch carefully and make sure no tank mates are picking on it.