Cleaner Wrasse MIA!!


Active Member
put potter's angels on that list as well.
btw Kerriann, you can pm a mod with the posts and they will remove the blantant jerkiness given. as stated before, mr tang is quite sharp in most of his posts.


Active Member
Most wrasse are notorious carpet divers; he could be on the floor. IMO, tropical fish are still fish. If you want to try a difficult species and do your homework; you have every right to do so. Tropical fish collectors are not depleting the reef's population to any degree that's ever been documented. (At least to my knowledge) Nature abhors a vacuum is more than just a saying, a given reef will support "X" number of a given species. Nature will replace those lost to collectors, an incredibly tiny amount, with new ones. We have no more effect on an individual fish than the fish's natural predators. Just my opinion, I love nature as much as anyone. But, from a moral standpoint, I see no difference between a moorish idol and a halibut. Sorry for using your thread as a soapbox KerriAnn-- but its almost comical how your avitar seems to get so many responses!


thanks for the input guys - i do like the cleaner fish - i know my boyfriend's yellow headed sleeper goby LOVED the cleaner wrasse. that was the only time he'd come out of the sand bed!
as far as tangwhatshisface, i just didn't want him to think i'm going to sit but and let him ridicule me. some of these poor other newbies come in and people like him scare these poor people to death. it's unnecessary and uncalled for. if i see it again, i will report him to the mod. everyone's here to help, not criticize


Active Member
There are a coupla neon gobies that I've seen, a blue stripe and a gold stripe. They're pretty cool in that they zip around the tank and perch on stuff, one I used to have would perch on a toadstool. I didn't have any luck with him unfortunately, but it was years ago and that may very well have been a factor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KerriAnn
thanks for the input guys - i do like the cleaner fish - i know my boyfriend's yellow headed sleeper goby LOVED the cleaner wrasse. that was the only time he'd come out of the sand bed!
as far as tangwhatshisface, i just didn't want him to think i'm going to sit but and let him ridicule me. some of these poor other newbies come in and people like him scare these poor people to death. it's unnecessary and uncalled for. if i see it again, i will report him to the mod. everyone's here to help, not criticize
I can be controversial, I know. But nobody would take anyone with a tag line like that tang guy seriously. If you introduce yourself like that; you're not only insulting people,

mr. limpid

Active Member
To answer your question, look on the floor for your poor fish, then if you have a clean up crew in the tank then that is what they will do. This fish sleeps in a cocoon in cracks of rocks not in the sand as other wrasse do. I would also check your prams. since its a small tank, spikes of any type would be lethal in small tanks.


ya, we checked EVERYWHERE. i'm wondering if my bf didn't accidentally scoop him out during a water change because she was anything but a timid fish so i could see her going into the bucket to explore :-(


Active Member
If it died you'll likely never find it, as someone else said, if you have a sufficient cleanup crew its body was disposed of by the cleanup critters and you won't have to worry about much of a cycle issue. Sucks to have to wonder about it though. My Yellow Coris Wrasse hid under the sand for 2 weeks straight before I found it and had to scoop it out of the sand with a net.
It is important to not buy creatures that are doomed in captivity, because as said, it does promote the collection and selling of them. To "rescue" creatures from the LFS also sends the wrong message. If it sells, they will get more to sell, and it doesn't do the species any good. Not flaming on anyone, just saying, it is a money driven industry, and if it makes money, it will be collected and sold, regardless of its disposition. We must take into consideration the effects of our hobby on the natural reefs and the fish that dwell among them and do the responsible thing. This world only has so many resources and humans tend to use them up selfishly and greedily.
Bengaii Cardinals, nearing extinction, but you can bet you'll keep seeing wild-caught ones in stores because people are uninformed and buy them, and the collectors know they sell like McDonalds cheeseburgers, so they could care less if they go extinct, they're going to make every dollar they can off of them until then.
I'm not saying Cleaner Wrasses are nearing extinction, or even endangered, but they have no place in the aquatic hobby. Nothing that can't survive long-term in captivity has a place in this hobby.
Neon Goby's do a great job of cleaning fish, and they will live off of more convenient food sources when all the parasites are eliminated, plus, their color is very similar to a Cleaner Wrasse.
Please don't take anything I said as flaming. I just want to shed some light and help save the world, one fish at a time :)


Active Member
The benggali cardinals sold at SWF .com are aquacultured ( a $1000 word for home-grown). It is very difficult to get a permit to import any living creature that is endangered, or even threatened. While I admire your conviction and opinion; I think opinions should be labeled as such. I really see no difference in attempting to keep a "difficult" fish (assuming I have the skills, equipment, and have done the research) and throwing out a half-eaten tunafish sandwich (wild tuna are beautiful fish). I kept a moorish idol , certainly not an endangered species.for over 12 years and will get another as soon as I have space. I know who I buy from and I know this fish is difficult to acclimate. But, I'm willing to take that risk. I respect the opinions of folks who don't like this idea; but refuse to go on any moral guilt trip because of it. Once again, I respect others opinions and , at least on this forum, please respect mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
The benggali cardinals sold at SWF .com are aquacultured ( a $1000 word for home-grown). It is very difficult to get a permit to import any living creature that is endangered, or even threatened. While I admire your conviction and opinion; I think opinions should be labeled as such. I really see no difference in attempting to keep a "difficult" fish (assuming I have the skills, equipment, and have done the research) and throwing out a half-eaten tunafish sandwich (wild tuna are beautiful fish). I kept a moorish idol , certainly not an endangered species.for over 12 years and will get another as soon as I have space. I know who I buy from and I know this fish is difficult to acclimate. But, I'm willing to take that risk. I respect the opinions of folks who don't like this idea; but refuse to go on any moral guilt trip because of it. Once again, I respect others opinions and , at least on this forum, please respect mine.
Sure, if you're capable go for it. But there's a fine line between misplaced confidence, and capability. No different than keeping a Mandarin Goby in a 10 gallon. Some people know what they're doing, and some people only THINK they know what they're doing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Sure, if you're capable go for it. But there's a fine line between misplaced confidence, and capability. No different than keeping a Mandarin Goby in a 10 gallon. Some people know what they're doing, and some people only THINK they know what they're doing.
Well put; that's why these forums are so valuable, at least for those of us who are willing to listen and not just here to get approval for what we're going to do anyhow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Well put; that's why these forums are so valuable, at least for those of us who are willing to listen and not just here to get approval for what we're going to do anyhow.
Yessir. It's amazing how often people prefer bad information that agrees with what they are doing, and act spiteful of good information that disagrees with what they are doing. It wouldn't be a big deal, if it didn't cost animals their lives, but then again, some people see these creatures as objects, expendable and discardable without a second thought.
There's some kid on TONMO forums right now saying he has an Octopus Vulgaris (Grows to be over 3 feet long) in a 22 gallon tank, that cycled for 4 days (IDIOT!!!). Everyone keeps telling him to take the octopus back to the store and get one when his tank is cycled, and buy a much bigger tank, but instead he only responds to questions and answers that appeal to his way of thinking.
It makes me so infuriated... I feel like a Samuel L. Jackson character. "AND I WILL STRIKE DOWN UPON THEE WITH GREAT VENGEANCE!"


Originally Posted by KerriAnn
thanks for the input guys - i do like the cleaner fish - i know my boyfriend's yellow headed sleeper goby LOVED the cleaner wrasse. that was the only time he'd come out of the sand bed!
as far as tangwhatshisface, i just didn't want him to think i'm going to sit but and let him ridicule me. some of these poor other newbies come in and people like him scare these poor people to death. it's unnecessary and uncalled for. if i see it again, i will report him to the mod. everyone's here to help, not criticize

wow, you are going to report me...i certainly am worried....I've been banned from better.


Originally Posted by peef
Kerriann don't sweat tangs comments all he/she does is make rude comments about people on their threads. Any comment they have put is usually along those lines! Some people are just like that.

Because i disagree with people doing stupid things. People come on here asking for advice with their mind made up that they are going to it anyways. You're a Noob so i understand.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I can be controversial, I know. But nobody would take anyone with a tag line like that tang guy seriously. If you introduce yourself like that; you're not only insulting people, but probably trying to compensate for some other shortcoming.

I should report you to a mod for insulting my manhood. 17 year olds like you are the problems on the forums here.