Cleaners -- Do they add to polution levels?


If I wanted to add a cleaner crew to a tank which just had fish added, how long do I need to wait? I don't know if they would help reduce ammonia, trites and trates by cleaning up the mess, or make things turn into a bigger mini cycle by increasing the bio-load too fast.


you dont want to add anything until the original cycle is complete inverts are sensitive towards the changes in chemistry that is going on right now. and most will not make it beacuse of the cycle.
a clean up crew does add some bioload but its no where near what they help in. not enough to worry about unless you get a ton of everything.
as far reducing ammonia it will sorta but only becasue it will clean up things in the tank not becasue they are there. do you have any fish in the tank right now?
and what are your test readings on the water this will help give you a bit of a time frame of the cycle to be complete.


The original cycle has already completed. I just added a few fish before the weekend. (1 osc clown, 2 damsels - which are going to be moved to a 20 gal to cycle it when I get my pumps in on Tuesday)
My levels are 0 ammonia, 8.2 ph .5 trites and 10 trates. The little spike occurred from the new fish obviously. I wanted to order scarlet hermit crabs, cerith snails (to dig in the sand), shaving brush, and a chocalate chip starfish or 2 to clean the glass.
Could I go ahead and order these and if so, what do you think about the quantities of snails and crabs? I have a 55 gal with 90 lbs of LR and 100 lbs of Sand to create a good 5" DSB. Rock was added 45lbs at a time so has cycled twice already and has been up for about 6 weeks now.


I woud wait until trites are 0 it wont be all that much longer since they are .5
what type of tank are you looking at setting up FOWLR or a reef tank.
I would put a dozen or so of the scarlets dont forget extra shells or they will take other shells as homes. .
and a dozen or so of the cerith..
but if you get nassarious,tubos, cerith, 1 or so fighting conch you will get a better aglae control; than with just one type of snail.
how much are planning on spending on critters?
if you give me your email I can send you a link to a place that is fairly cheap for a lot of critters.
CC star is a preditory star that will eat anything that it can get a holt of and not really a cleaner star and if you are planning corals at any point then I would leave these guys out completely.


I don't have any corals in my tank but I do have a CC Starfish and I spot feed it a couple times a week and it seems to leave everything else alone.


Looking most probably at a FOWLR. I have plenty of LR (90 lbs) but I don't have the lighting for corals nor do I think I will be able to get the space required to keep them 8" from the top of the tank.
Thanks for the advice about critters. Email is for the info you would send me. I was thinking of dropping the minimum here on 20 ceriths and 10 herms along with Shaving Brush (5) and another fish (probably a fridmani - even though it will just hide in my rock). I would pull a few snails, crabs and put them in my 20 gal which is cycling right now. I don't mind algae at fact I think I would rather clean the glass than have nitrate problems. If you have any recommendations for a variety in 55 gal add that to the email too. Thanks again. Time for bed.