cleaning acrylic tank


New Member
Any of you veterans out there have any suggestions for cleaning the outside surface of my acrylic tank?
Ive been using 409, but its leaving streaks (i hope not permanent :mad: ...DOH!)
And ive heard windex is not good either....
ive read not to use methanol, isopropyl, acetone or MEK
Please help


Active Member
Yes I would stay away from the alcohols, I would imagaine they would degrade the suface. I would have never thought to even use Methyl Ethyl Ketone - MEK. I haven't even seen it anywhere besides in labs ( I am a chemist by profession ). I would use soap water on a 100% cotton sheet and then wipe off with a shammy. Also, people use old newspapers to wipe of the surface. Personally, I have glass and have used good ole' windex for a while wiping it off with newspapers. There is another thread that polls the same question.


at work, where i wipe off about 180 tanks a day, water and a paper towel seem to work just fine. but like ILove2Ride said, there is a tank cleaner that they should have at most pet stores. it seems to streak though if you use too much of it.
use a damp cloth to wipe it down. then wipe and dry with wet sheepskin used to dry off cars... NO STREAKS.....newspaper can also be used. do not use sprays because overspray can get into the tank through the air. paper towels can leave small scratches on acrylic and will show over time...