cleaning coins


Active Member
so, this is random. does anyone know what i can use to clean coins? i have a bunch from foreign countries and some of them are starting to look kind of dingy. i think ive heard vinegar would work, but im not sure, will it damage them? or maybe something like windex? they arent collector coins or valuable or anything, i know you arent supposed to clean those coins.


Baking soda will probably work too.
Even tooth paste.
Tar X is probably the best thing to use, or Lime Away.


Active Member
mix a little baking soda or salt in withsome vinegar the acid in the vinegar brings back the luster and the baking soda/salt has a mild abrasion to it that will get the crud off of it rinse with clean wtaer and dry very well


Active Member
I'm a fairly serious coin collector and if the coins have any value, cleaning will pretty much destory the book value. Otherside is if they are just something you enjoy looking at and want them to look nice once again, cleaning would be OK.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
mix a little baking soda or salt in withsome vinegar the acid in the vinegar brings back the luster and the baking soda/salt has a mild abrasion to it that will get the crud off of it rinse with clean wtaer and dry very well

You have any idea what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda?
Do not clean the coins if you want to keep their value.


If you aren't worried about them being worth much, soak them in lemon juice for about 30 minutes and then wipe them clean. It will take off anything on them.