cleaning coral (decorative) w/ bleach?


Active Member
many lfs have told me to do this.. its actually sitting in a bucket right now.. anyone have any experiece w. this and how to safley make sure i can add it back to the tank?


Active Member
I have done it many times. Make sure you rinse it very good, let it sit in clean water with a hose in it (grass will like this also) let in run like that for maybe 30 mins. Leave it soak overnight and then put it in the sun to dry all day. Wouldnt hurt to add some declorinater in the the bucket over night also.

sinner's girl

I wouldn't take the chance myself. Just set it out in the sun and the sun will bleach it white. Then wash it very well with water.
If you add anything, make sure you rinse super well, I still wouldn't do. I just sit the pieces on the front steps.


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
I wouldn't take the chance myself. Just set it out in the sun and the sun will bleach it white. Then wash it very well with water.
If you add anything, make sure you rinse super well, I still wouldn't do. I just sit the pieces on the front steps.
letting a coral sit out in the sun will bleach it !?


Active Member
Bleach won't hurt it, i have done it many times. I don't use dead coaral in my tank anymore, but did it for yrs, if its rinsed well and the bleach smell is non exsistant, it will be fine.