cleaning corral


New Member
Hi all! Iam new to this board and I am not the best computer person around. I thought I posted this all ready. Anyhow could someone pls tell what is the proper way to clean decorative corral.(not a Live)


Let me ask a question first before I give my 0.02 worth. Why do you want to clean it?
My experience right now is I am not going to clean any of my dead corals. First, it probably has some good bacteria on it and cleaning it would remove it from the system and introduce new unknown contaminates to the tank. Second, I tried to clean mine and I screwed up and did not properly remove the cleaning solution from it and my tank crashed and burned. Third, I am trying to build up my "cleaning crew" to do the cleaning for me. I think it is doing pretty good, I just need a few more snails to assist with the tank walls.
So, the best way to clean you decorations is to get a cleaning crew, i.e. some snails and hermit crabs. Right now I have 2 hermit crabs, 2 snails, and 1 cleaner shrimp. Only the walls need more work, hence I want more snails.


New Member
Thx for your reply. I have no cleaning crew in my tank. I had two turbo snails but they both died. My corral has build up of a dark algae and it looks bad. I want it to look good again. Up here in Canada we pay $15 for a snail and we do not have anyone with cleaner shrimp. I am going to try to go to a fish club meeting in hopes of meeting some people who have what I need.


Welli know what you are looking for. i have a fish only show tank in my living room. i dont o it tht often.
what i do it (and this will take some time)
take it and soak it in bleach and water. put only like a cup of bleach and fill up your sink or bucket. let it set until its white again. please please rinse it really well. smell it. if you smell bleach its not good enough. let it soak in clean water over night and then rinse it some more. then let t soak for another hour or 2 just to make sure. now your back to being pretty again. some dont i feel if dont write its ok. never do thei with a reef tank. then again you dont need dead stuff in a reef tank.
sure you are riping your tank of good growth, however if your tank's balance is strong it wont miss it. i know folks that have been doing this for years. good luck!


what they are telling is whats doubt about it. however i think what she is looking for is what i was looking for. that bright white coral. i only have one tank like that. the other stuff i would love for stuff to grow on it. hey i have a tank just with live rock and 3 fish and light.( just a little experiment for the year) you know there are other options. there is live white coral out there. i have a peice in one of my tanks. its small. one of my fish nip on it at night. i dont know which on yet. however it is not as full as it was 2 months ago. its not the imperor angel. i just put him in this tank 2 weeks ago. HUMMMM!
i agree with everyone's opinion. i did use the bleach method before in my fw tank to clean all the green annoying algae off and it was the best way i ever cleaned the stuff. i just poured about half a gallon of bleach into the tank..... no j/k!!! i soaked it in the sink for about a half hour in hot water with a lot of bleach and the stuff just came right off (with a little scrubbing, ofcourse) and made my rocks look beautiful again, just like new. but you need to rinse, and rinse, and rinse some more, and after you're done rinsing, rinse again. however, i would not do this to anything in my saltwater tank. you want all those beneficial algaes to grow, it is the sign of a healthy tank. i feel the sw tank is a very sensitive environment, much more so than a fw tank and wouldn't take the chance. why don't you look into getting a cleaner crew from somewhere online, you just have to find a site that will ship to canada, i think this would be your best bet in cleaning your tank, and besides they are the coolest little critters... :cool: :D :cool:


hey CDN, why not try shopping around online for cleaner packages; you can get a lot better deal & end up w/ more than 1 item of course & pay the S&H; which should still be pretty good deal than paying $15 a snail; that's just crazy


New Member
If you want to clean, you can also just leaving out in the sun for a couple of days and all the green algae will be naturally bleached off, without worry of chemicals in your tank. It takes longer than using chemicals, but is much safer.


New Member
Thx everyone for taking the time out to reply to my problem. For now I think I am going to bleach and use a neautralizer after. I have emailed a couple of places to see if it is possible to 1 day courier a cleaning crew up to Canada. Even our fish here are a terrible price. For a small yellow tang we are paying anywhere from $56 to $65 Cdn which is about$37 to $42 US dollars. We are offered a three day warranty. I have lost many fish due to this. A problem with poor quality fish comes into play. The suppliers are not creditable here.
Best of luck to all
Thx again