Cleaning crew, before or after cycle


Presently I have a few (5-6) hermits, boxing shrimp, and some new little critters from my LR. Should I wait for the cycle to complete before adding more or just put in a bunch more hermies and some snails? I thought I read (couldn't find it again if I did) that I should add the crew after I get alot of algae growth.
Oh, what do you think of the setup?


Active Member
The cleanup crew goes in after the cycle. No livestock should be in the tank before or during the cycle.


thats what I thoght. I have a friend whose tank has been through the cycle about 2 mo ago and he needs soom hermies so Ill pass them along. I guess with the couple of fishes I have also. I thought though that the damsels or other ultra hardy fish were supposed to help start the cycle by increasing the nitries. Comments? Directions? :help:


Active Member
Its more humane to use a cocktail shrimp to cycle your tank. I would give all the livestock to your friend:happyfish


your tank looks good, did you decide to take out the undergravel filter ?
if not now would be the best time to do it while it is still cycling and before you add more live rock.


Yeah, I took out the UG filter and rearranged things alittle bit. The water already cleared up alot. I guess I'll test the water in a few days. Does algal growth really mean that the cycle is comming to an end?