Cleaning Crew Help


Hi, Have a 10 Gallon FOWLR tank problems so far

Have 1 Rayal Gamma and 1 Yellow Tailed Blue Dammsel 2 Astral Snails and 2 Tiny, Tiny Blue Legged Hermits. Not over feeding my fish ( or so I think ) but if it falls to the sand they wont touch it and it doesn't seem that the hermits will keep up ....??? Any ideas thanks


I was thinking of maybe a watchman goby , Thinking was that he would get to some of the food that fell to the bottom?
any different crabs , only paid 99 cents for the hermits...would be willing to part with em' pluss there so small its hard to findem'


Active Member
i think your maxed out as far as fish go right now. i would get rid of the damsel, and get the yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp.
i also think a ten gallon is a little small for the royal gramma as well.
you could get a cleaner shrimp, he would probably pick at the food that gets to the bottom.


I would go with a good shrimp, too. What type of food are you feeding? Only put in a touch at a time, enough so the two fish can eat it all before it falls to the bottom. We have 3 fish and I will literally put 4 brine shrimp at a time, or 2 or 3 granules, etc. If some food gets past the fish and it does fall to the bottom I feel pretty confident that the shrimp we have (2 camelback and 1 cleaner) will take care of business, LOL. Plus I figure they need to eat, too. ;)
good luck!


Thanks for some info...I 'm Feeding them frozen brine every other day or so mixed in with flake and small pellet like food everyday.
Everyone on this site has bad things to say about damsels....why? I seem to have no problems with the two if anything the Gramma is the one who is more territorial. If I did get a watchman goby is it really any diferent to have them with out the pistol shrimp?


Active Member
How long has the tank been running? Problems with damsels often creep up as they grow, and wish to extend a territory. You could have problems in time. I also agree that you would need to get rid of one fish or the other to have the goby.