Cleaning crew recommendation


I was thinking about a couple peppermint shrimp since they are supposed to help control aiptasia (which I might have, haven't positively id'd it yet).
Do the hermit crabs need a lot of shells? I know that they change shells as they grow.
How many snails would you suggest I start with?

sinner's girl

yes, hermit will out grow thier shells, just get some extras that are bigger than the one they are in now and put them in the tank (they'll find them). They will kill each other (and snails) for a bigger shell. (if you have snail that dies, keep the shell).
What fish are you planning on having?
How long is your tank? How much lr do you have? do you have cc or ls?
I never could keep snails alive. Hermits are hardy, get say 5-10 to start with. One shrimp, I like Camelback Shrimp. But shrimp are that hardy, so I'd wait awhile before adding them. I wouldn't add snails till you see a need for them.
Good luck.


Just purchase a bunch of empty shells, and put them in a pile behind your rocks, out of view. Whenever a hermit needs a new shell....they can just go back there and pick on out...instead of taking someone else's.
Just start out with a few snails...youll want more hermits than snails probably.


Also, do a search for snails. A member named Kip created a thread that explains each type of snail, what they do and so forth. Might want to take a look at it to determine what snails would be best for your tank.


Currently I have 2 yellow tail blue damsels but plan on returning at least 1 of them to the LFS when the cycle is done.
I want to at least have a couple clowns, probably a lawnmower blenny and not real sure what else right now.
My tank has been up for about 3 weeks now and I am using CC. I have 9lb LR in a 35g aquarium. My water parameters have been staying steady at:
Ammonia 0 (possibly .25, hard to tell, but pretty sure 0)
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5
pH 8.2
Temp 77-78
SG 1.0195 (LFS suggested 1.019, thinking of raising)
How much of a bioload do the snails and hermits add to the tank?
Thanks for all the replie so far!!


New Member
I'm somwhat new to SW tanks but from what I've gathered I'd raise your SG to about 1.023-1.025, I set my temp around 79-80 degrees. Although LR is expensive it's well worth the investment for your water quality and would invest in more for your tank. The Damsels can get very territorial, I prefer to start my tanks out with a pair of clowns after the cycle has taken place. As far as the clean up crew, I agree with the prior posts, it is often specific to your tank needs and would add them in slowly as needed. Shells for your hermits are certainly needed as they will kill eachother for shells. I have problems reading my ammonia levels as well. I find the test I have to be very innacurate and difficult to read, I'd recommend crosschecking your readings with the LFS to be sure. Any good saltwater store will do this free of charge. Oh, and be sure to add only cured LR to your tank since you already have inhabitants. I hope this helps, and if anyone notices any me mistakes please post a reply. I've had good luck so far.


I intend to add more LR, just haven't gotten around to doing it yet.
I am aware that the damsels can be territorial, that's why they are probably going back after the cycle.
As far as the ammonia tests, my LFS uses the same test kit I have, so much for cross-checking.. :)

sinner's girl

Temp depends on fish, for clowns and damsels 78 is fine (our heater are automatic for 78, fish do fine)
Sg should be 1.023, 1.025 is a little on the high side for me, but as long as my tank is b/w 1.022 and 1.025 I'm cool (though I add water if I have if it's 1.025). Snail are senstive to sg. Anyway, yes raise your SG before you add any inverts. fish can handle a lower sg, but inverts don't like it.
Clean-up crew does not add to you bio-load, they clean-up more than they waste.
Is your tank long or high? I forget the number of fish per gallon, but 2 clowns and bleeny sound like enough to me (I only have two fish in 55gl). Remember to add slowly, one at a time (well, add the two clowns together). Get an eye on your tank and the levels. The tank will let you know if you have to many fish.
Lr will help with filtration and such. I think the bleeny eats stuff from the lr, so you may need more lr before adding him.
(I'm a little rusty, but I think that's all right)


Sinner's Girl,
My tank is high rather than wide. I know now that that is a downfall when it comes to saltwater fish. I already have dreams of upgrading to a larger tank!! Unfortunately that's down the road a ways.
I am currently in the process of raising my SG. What is a safe amount to raise it at a time? Remember I have 2 fish in there.
Glad to hear that about the cleaners, they are neat to watch and I was afraid to add too many and reduce my bio-load for fish.

sinner's girl

I add salt to my top off water to bring SG up. maybe a 1/4 cup per gallon of fresh water. (I do half cup per gl, but I have 55gl gl).
We used to have an invert only 20gl long tank. It was great to watch all the criters. Then we combined the two tanks. I love my stars, they're great to watch, esp when I feed them. Just add them slowly, and don't add them till the cycle is complete.