Cleaning crew


New Member
Morning all,
I have a 75 gal tank, that has finished its cycle and now I have the diatoms. Looks like my substrate and rock have rusted. Anyway, I have received conflicting opinions on whether or not a cleaning crew would be a good fit for my tank. I only have 13 or so lbs of live rock and a crushed coral substrate, I understand that is not enough for the long run, but I am buying it in small batches, as it seems live rock is near gold on the price per pound scale. Anyway, can I add a small cleaning crew to help rid me of my diatoms? And what would a good starter crew be?
If not what's the most effective way to remove the diatoms?
Also, as a side note, I have received conflicting information on this as well. I eventually(when my tank is good and mature) want to get a blue tang. Will a 75 gal. tank be sufficient for that fish?

sinner's girl

Yes, you can start adding cleaning crew. You can always feed them if you don't have enough rock, just don't get anything that likes lots of lr.
Hermits and snail would be good. Or just vacume the cc and remove the stuff.
Sorry, I don't know about the tang. I'm trying to find out which one I can keep in 75gl (I always thought no tangs in 75gl, but today I was told I could keep some of them).


clean up crew -
turbo snails
astria snails
cleaner shrimps
peppermint shrimps
gooooood luck !