Cleaning Crew?


i have a 20 gallon right now and it is slowly gettin dirtier. i dont have that much of a crew right now. i have a cleaner shrimp, 3 blue leg hermits, emerald crab, and 2 turbo snails. would this list be good?
10 hermits
10 snails
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
3 emerald crabs
comment back saying if that cleaning crew would work or if i need more. feel free to add any other invert to my list too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by b0bby1
i have a 20 gallon right now and it is slowly gettin dirtier. i dont have that much of a crew right now. i have a cleaner shrimp, 3 blue leg hermits, emerald crab, and 2 turbo snails. would this list be good?
10 hermits
10 snails
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
3 emerald crabs
comment back saying if that cleaning crew would work or if i need more. feel free to add any other invert to my list too!
Hermit crabs will sometimes kill snails to get to their shells, so you might want to watch that (put a lot of empty shells so they won't go after the snails). I'm personally putting my hermit crabs in my refuge and only using emerald crabs with snails in my DT, plus cleaner shrimp and a brittle star.


Active Member
I have 2 brittle stars, assorted snails, assorted hermit crabs, a few emerald crabs and the emerald crabs don't mess with the snails at all. I had some smaller snails and the blue legged hermit took over but then I put some shells in and the crabs get what they need. My hawaiian trigger also gets to play with the shells. He likes to pick them up and pile them in the corner and once he has them all he will pick them up again one at a time and try to drop them on the corals and bomb the crabs. Sometimes he takes the snails of fthe side of the tank and drops them on the rocks.
yes, he is evil
Make sure you have plenty of snails, get some nassarius snails and they stay under the sand during the day and come out onto the tank sides, and bottom at night. Also get a 4 or 5 Astrea snails. You have plenty of Turbos for that size tank. Make sure to have plenty of crabs also.
Also, be sure to do weekly water changes at about 10-20%