Cleaning Crews


New Member
I am looking for some input on the right cleaning crew for a 55 gallon tank. I am buying a tank already established but needs some cleaners. What would you recommend and how many of each. tanks


Active Member
Snails, lots and lots of snails. Astrea snails are nice cheap snails that are good for keeping your glass clean. Nassarius are wonderful little cheap snails that keep your sand looking ok....


When you say already established-what are you getting with it? are you transporting all the water? all the biomedia in that water?
The reason I ask is that when you dismantle, then reassemble, you are going to lose a lot of your beneficial bacteria and have some die off which will cause your tank to need a period of recycling before you add anything.
After you have set everything up in its new home and all is running, check all the parameters before adding anything. Will you already have fish or are you going to purchase those? What about your live rock?
I agree snails are crucial and there are several different kinds. Your substrate makes a difference too-will you have sand or crushed coral? If the tank has CC now, it would be a good idea to change to a fine sand bed.
Personally, I detest hermit crabs in the tank and prefer shrimp, snails and stars.
Let us know how you are progressing


New Member
I have fish, live rock, and live sand. About how long to wait intil I get my cleaning crew.


If all your tests are a-ok, especially no ammo or nitrites and low trates, go ahead and add a few things now. As long as you dont have any puffers or trigger fish-the snailcrunchers, you can add about a dozen each of nassarius and turbo/astrea snails.
Again, depending on what else you have in your tank, you can add a star, cucumber, or some shrimp-not all at once though, but some every week should keep you busy for a while!
What fish do you have in there now?


New Member
I have 3 clowns, 1 gobie, 2 stars, 1 tang, 1 damsel, 1 butterfly. Some others may be included but I'm not sure what other suprizes are still coming with the tank. I am getting it from a friend who has to let it go.


OH, so you havent actually moved it yet. That is a huge job. You will need trash cans to hold the water and sand as well as coolers for all your critters. None of your fish are destructive or snail killers-so you can pretty much feel safe withyour choices.
I would wait till you are all set up in your home and that all is rrunning smoothly before adding anything, but if you have no snails, you definitely should start there. Then maybe add a few shrimp later.
Good luck!