Cleaning Crews


Hello All,
Are there any 'cleaning' species that you cant put together?
Assuming that a hermit crab is well fed and has a big enough shell so he wont eat a snail.


Active Member
I don't think that you can have a hermit crab well fed enough so that it won't eat a snail. Snails seem to be just about the perfect food for most any hermit. I just replace my snails regularly and watch the hermits devour them-sometimes they will struggle over a snail and both will end up chowing down on it.
a lot of people even say that hermits dont really clean a lot. they just scavenge after other peoples foods. i dont have any. just lots of snails.


Active Member
they kill snails out of instinct. not necessarily for a meal or a shell. i had a hermit that would change shells 3 or 4 times a week.


Active Member
I owuld say depending on tank size a bunch of turbos maybe even a couple mexican turbos if its a big tank and then some pep. shrimp to control aptasia and stuff like that


Active Member
I have blue legs and scarlet reef crabs. I won't buy anymore. They eat my snails (ceriths, astreas, nerites & nassarius)


Hello all
Thanks for your replies
It sounds as though crabs cant be housed with snails
And that snails are a better option for a cleaning crew
Looks like ill be going for snails then


In my 29 gallon, I have 3 blue legged hermits, 5 turbo snails, a skunk cleaner shrimp, and 2 peppermint shrimp. I have never lost a snail and the hermits keep to themselves even when the snail mosies right next to them.


Active Member
I know I'm in the minority, but I don't think hermits do anything benefical at all ( they are good snacks for triggers & puffers), they are cute and well marketed, though.


my hermits murdered every snail in my tank. id go with snails.. they do a better job eating algae. go with some turbos to clean up the glass and rocks and nassarius to scavenge the sandbed. this is what I have. plus a few emerald crabs.. which dont bother the snails.


Hey thanks everybody
All your input is well recived!
Im on a mamoth learning curve at the moment.
I dont even have any water in my tank yet (all my equipment should arrive this comming week)
From all your posts it looks like I may knock the hermits on the head and just go for Porcelain crabs, emerald crabs and various snails.
Many thanks