Cleaning dead coral?


I just got back from Cozumel where I picked up some dead coral that had been washed up from the last hurricane. My question is how should I go about cleaning it and should I put it in a QT tank for awhile before I put it into the MT? Thanks

sinner's girl

sun bleach it if it had algea on it. otherwise just rinse it real well and boil it for a bit, we got some from Katrina when we were in Miami.


Now I am really mad at Carnival. We where suppose to go to cozumel two weks ago instead we went to progresso and veracruz. i really would have liked to find some dead coral to bring home. They told us the pier was destroyed during the hurricane. dang missed my chance. lol


Bleach it with clorox and water. Then to be safe, let it sit out in the sun for a week or so. It will be perfectly fine to put in your tank then. I've done this for years in my fish only with dead corals tanks and have never had any problem whatsoever. It turns them a bright white and they look great.