Cleaning up an unfilled tank safely?


I have a 29g tank that i am going to set up but if needs cleaned up before I fill it. I've scrubbed with fresh water, but it still has some film. Any suggestions on what I can safely use? I'm assuming windex, etc. is out of the question. Someone suggested vinegar....

Thanks for your time.


if its glass use a razor blade at a slight angle and it will probably come right off
or give it time and it usually goes away on its own when filled with water


Active Member
The razor blade method works great then rinse with fresh water. Be careful not to razor to close to the corners where the silicone is,you dont want any leaks :scared: .Good luck with your new tank


The razor balde with fresh water is the way to go. Windex also will cause a cloudy film to cover the glass and as you might think will have detrimental effects if not cleaned off b4 refill.


Active Member
You can also use some diluted white vinegar, just make sure you rinse and rinse and then rinse some more!!


there are algea cleaning products but I recomend going natural lol vinegar, razor , fresh water, elbow grease works best


Active Member
just fw normally does the trick i do use diluted white vinigar at times to clean a previously owned tanks(ive baught some real nasty ones) it rinses easy an any traces left behind are completly harmles to fish or other livestock.. below are a few photos of befores and afters this is an acrylic tank so no razor could be used on it it was all cleaned with a shop vac and vinigar and water solution and a sponge