Cleaning used reptile tank


I just bought my first tank! I was going to buy a 75 gallon tank from the LFS but stumbled acroos a used 50 gallon aquarium at a garage sale for $20. it is 4 ft wide, 13 inches deep and about 2 or so ft tall (didn't measure that dimension yet...)
Anyway, i have allready filled it with water out on the driveway to make sure it was able to hold water, and it was (it was sold as a fish tank, not a reptile tank) the woman kept reptiles in it (she did not say exactly what she kept).
What is the safest way to clean this for use in a reef tank?
thanks in advance for any help....


Ive found that rinsing it down with vinaager works well as long as you rinse it all off when your done
Empty the water out of the tank but keep it damp. The use Kosher Salt to clean. Just use your hand. I find it does a good job becuase it is so course.


If i use salt, do i need to be careful about the seams? they seem to be sealed with some sort of a silicone, will the coarsenss of the salt take enough of that off to cuase it to leak? or should i just be a little more gentel on the seams?


Staff member
I keep pythons myself, in a fish tank, and frankly I'd be very hesitant to use it to set up a fish tank, let alone a reef tank. Reptiles carry parasites, defecate and, some, like mine, eat live food which also deficates and carry parasites. To clean my snake tank, I sometimes use pesticides to disinfect [reptiles carry, among other things, salmonella].
Is this what you want your reef tank exposed to? In any case, if you decide to go with this tank, then fill it up and pour bleach in it, letting it sit for an hour or 2. That is the best way to disinfect. Use your garden hose to blast it clean. Pay particular attention to cleaning the perimeter of the tank insides, where reptile bacteria and debris have accumulated.


OK... as per beth's suggestion, i filled the tank with water, added some bleach and am letting it soak for a couple of hours. (ws used for reptiles)
After doing this, a neighbor wondered what i was putting bleach in the tank for, and they were really shocked- said that i would never be able to get the bleach out, even with rinsing many times... there would still be bleach left.
1. Is this true?
2. If so, how do i make sure ALL the bleach is out?
3. If I don't get 100% of the bleach out, how bad is that for a reef tank?
Any help wouold be appreciated ASAP, as I only have about 4 more hours of daylight left to mess with it before going back to work tomorrow....


Active Member
yes you will get the bleach out. Rinse well, fill again and then get a dechlorinator - Kent ammonia detox is pretty good but any will work. This will break up the chloride etc. Empty and rinse again.
I have used bleach to clean stuff and as long as you take precautions to rinse well you'll do ok.


Thanks- seomtimes i think too hard!
Duh- a de-chlorinator WOULD get rid of CHLORINE bleach... :)
Just called wally world- (all the fish stores here close by 6pm on sundays) they have some... going to get some right now!
Thanks again...


Java im in niagara falls i would be more than happy to help you if you have any ?'s let me know


I gave my bro my old fish tank I used for a
Semi-Aquatic turtle filled 4/5 water.
Just used bleach to scrub the glass. Rinsed
it out. The tank is now a home to many Salt
Water creatures.


Thanks for all the suggestions everyone... i think i got all the bleach and other nasties out. I soaked the tank in water with bleach for a couple of hours, (this was sunday) and then rinsed it out several times, then filled it again with water and added de-cholinator. have not bought any test stuff yet, so while at wally world, bought some $.18 cent feeder goldfish (figured i would do the 'ol canary test :) )
( i know i know, cruel, but better than feeding them to pirhana right? :) )
Anyway, put 3 in, they were dead in an hour :eek:
So-- drained the tank, rinsed a few more times, filled again, and added dechlorinator.... they have been alive ever since. Sunday night till tuesday AM at least...)
mkorszo-- thanks-- just put your email adderss into my addressbook....