

I have a 50litre tank and had a ammonia spike that resulted in the death of one of my clowns. I put it down to uneatin food remaining in the tank. In the tank is a CBS and a juvy clown. Can you give me some of advice of a good clean up crew to prevent this happening again. I have no live rock the bottom is sand and crushed shells.The filter is a hang on the side one.


hi, the best advice i can give you is to get some lr,-really as much as you can afford or up to 1-2lbs per gallon. You can always get 5 lbs. at a time to add to your tank over time, just make sure that the lr are cured. That is probably the most important part of the hobby, so much benefits. As for the clean up crew, -Nass. snails are good for uneaten foods. But if you add lr to the tank, you will get hundreds of tiny critters and have more bacteria that will take care of the leftover food as well.


What is the best bed to have in a tank, sand? How hard is the tank to clean when doing a water change, if you have lr??? At the moment I have to take all ornaments out when cleaning the tank to extract food and waste from the bottom.


Since you only have a cbs and a small clown, you could drop 2-3 pellets of formula 1 for the cbs every other day, it will scavenge around and find it. as for the clown, you can put in about 2-4 flakes for it once a day and make sure that it is eating it. if it eats all of it at once, then put in another 2-4 flakes. the point is to not overfeed since you don't have much in there to feed. As for your tank bottom, it's best to just read alot about it and decide which method is best for you-especially how much $$$ you have to spend. Water change will lr and ls is easy, and you don't have to worry about siphoning out the leftover foods because you won't be overfeeding anymore, right?