bean 1
How does everyone keep their aggressive tanks clean when most aggressive fish will eat a standard clean up crew? I have a semi-aggressive 46g but the hawk and hamlet dont bother the snails/hermits/ or emerald crabs. The reason I'm asking is that I plan on incorporatiing some of my existing fish and some new fish into a 400g that will be built into the office of my home once it is finished being built. I want it to be a semi-aggressive/aggressive tank. I've purchased almost 700# of LR over the last 2 years that will function as my biological filtration. The tank is a tenecor marine ready aquarium. The planned stock list include the following (starred fish I already have) Blue Hamlet*, Indigo Hamlet*, Shy Hamlet, Hawaiian Squirrelfish, Red Spotted Hawk*, Vagabond Butterfly, Foxface*, Racoon Butterfly, Lamarck angel, Blackspot Angel, Paddlefin wrasse or harlequin tusk, Bluechin trigger*, and Crosshatch trigger. Thanks Bean.