Cleanup Crew on the Way... 5 ?'s


I've ordered a Cleanup Crew package and it's scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. I am planning on using the Drip Method to acclimate the new CC package for a couple hours of so. I am a new Aquarist and this is my first addition to my newly cycled tank, so this is all new to me still. My Cycle was about 3 Weeks or so and my readings have been steady for over a week now (SG 1.024, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate ~10ish (Completed 25% Water Change Last Night, and need to retest this evening), Temp 78.5Degrees F)
46 Gal Bow-front, 80 lbs Live Rock, 50 lbs Live Sand, AquaC Remora Pro Skimmer, (2) Maxi Jet 1200 Powerheads, Emporer 280 Bio Filter, 150 W Heater
1) Will all of the different types of critters (Crabs, Snails, Shrimp, etc) come in one big bag, or in multiple?
2) Can I drip them all in the same 5 gal bucket, or do I need to drip each critter type separately?
3) Once I'm done acclimating them, do I just dump em in all into my tank at once and let them go to town on my Algae, or do I need to strategically place them around my tank?
4) Is all they eat the “junk” in the tank, or do I need to also get some “food” for the Cleanup Crew?
5) How long after I add the Cleanup Crew can I think about getting my 1st (2) Fish, Clownfish?
Thanks in Advance for the assistance!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SuperWade2
I've ordered a Cleanup Crew package and it's scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. I am planning on using the Drip Method to acclimate the new CC package for a couple hours of so. I am a new Aquarist and this is my first addition to my newly cycled tank, so this is all new to me still. My Cycle was about 3 Weeks or so and my readings have been steady for over a week now (SG 1.024, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate ~10ish (Completed 25% Water Change Last Night, and need to retest this evening), Temp 78.5Degrees F)
46 Gal Bow-front, 80 lbs Live Rock, 50 lbs Live Sand, AquaC Remora Pro Skimmer, (2) Maxi Jet 1200 Powerheads, Emporer 280 Bio Filter, 150 W Heater
1) Will all of the different types of critters (Crabs, Snails, Shrimp, etc) come in one big bag, or in multiple?
2) Can I drip them all in the same 5 gal bucket, or do I need to drip each critter type separately?
3) Once I'm done acclimating them, do I just dump em in all into my tank at once and let them go to town on my Algae, or do I need to strategically place them around my tank?
4) Is all they eat the “junk” in the tank, or do I need to also get some “food” for the Cleanup Crew?
5) How long after I add the Cleanup Crew can I think about getting my 1st (2) Fish, Clownfish?
Thanks in Advance for the assistance!
1) They come in seperate bags. Crabs in one, snails in another, etc.
2) You can acclimate them all in one bucket. I did and had no problems.
3) I placed them in one at a time rather then just dumping. Besides dumping would add the water it was shipped in to your tank. You dont wanna do that.
4) They are algae eaters. If your algae growth is limited then you can put in some algae sheets. But you should be good.
5) I would wait about 2 weeks before adding any fish. Let the crew do its job and clean up the tank a bit. Also see how they handle their new home.
Good luck and welcome to the boards. I have a 46 gallon bow also. Good luck.


Thanks for the reply... nice looking 46 Gal...My Algea growth is pretty fair...Maybe not "quite" as much as the last few in your Picture setup, but not too far off.
So they come in different bags by Species, did you acclimate in the bags in the buckets? Or did you dump everything into the bucket (out of the bags) acclimate everything together in the same water in the same bucket, then fish them out with a net and "place" into the tank (which is kinda of what I meant when I said "dump them in")?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SuperWade2
Thanks for the reply... nice looking 46 Gal...My Algea growth is pretty fair...Maybe not "quite" as much as the last few in your Picture setup, but not too far off.
So they come in different bags by Species, did you acclimate in the bags in the buckets? Or did you dump everything into the bucket (out of the bags) acclimate everything together in the same water in the same bucket, then fish them out with a net and "place" into the tank (which is kinda of what I meant when I said "dump them in")?
First i floated the bags in the tank for about 30 mins. Then i opened everything up and dumped it into a bucket and started dripping.