Cleanup crew


Any suggestions on a good clean up crew for a 55 FOWLR Tank... I am hoping to have the crew by next week but I am not sure what ones do the best job.


Active Member
um. maybe some turbo snails, blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, cleaner shrimp. what kind of fish are you getting first of all? and they sell reef packages here


Originally Posted by feixjai
um. maybe some turbo snails, blue leg hermits, scarlet hermits, cleaner shrimp. what kind of fish are you getting first of all? and they sell reef packages here
dont get a REEF pack because you have FOWLR
i might evn consider skipping the cleaner shrimp for a few months


I am wanting to get a false perc clown fish, a small hippo tang, some type of puffer, and a dwarf angel. However, I am not sure exactly. I want to get a cleanup crew started first though. I know I want a star fish but after that I am not sure. Any suggestions?