Cleanup Crew


That's kind of a broad question. I'd need to know what fish and other inhabitants you plan for your tank before I could make any recommendations.


New Member
I was think of adding a couple of clownfish and maybe a few chromis. I haven't really decided on the rest. Which fish are compatible or non compatible with as far as a cleanup crew is concerned. I hope I'm not confusing anyone. Thanks.


Don't worry, I'm confused naturally;)
There are some fish that will eat many invertebrates. Puffers and trigger fish are two. Common clean-up crew members include, hermit crabs (blue and red-legged), a combination of a coupe different species of snails, different kinds of shrimp, often a star fish, and there are other scavengers that you couLd look at.
In addition to being careful about which inverts you put in with which fish, you also have to recognize that these inverts are scavengers and your tank needs to have enough food sources in it to keep them alive.
Another issue is: how long has your tank been up and running? Has it completed the cycle yet?


New Member
My tank is 95% complete with it's cycling. I'm cycling with supermarket shrimp and my ammonia was at a 1.5 yesterday. I have ls and marine sand in my tank also.


Most inverts are sensitive to ammonia so I wouldn't add any clean-up crew until you're sure the cycle is over. When you see evidence of algea growth on your rock/sand/glass, you'll know your tank will provide plenty of food for whatever you pick.
Crabs will clean rock and sand, snails will clean whereever there's algea but turbos do a good job on your glass. Some shrimp, like the camel-back, will clean up uneaten particles of food and will also eat whatever food escapes being eaten by your fish.
Check out the "U-Build It" section of this Board for pictures and descriptions of lots of different species you can consider adding to a clean up crew.