Cleanup Crews


I need some schooling on clean up crews.
I had a turbo and 2 benadict snails all of which died after being in the tank for about 2 months. Water params did nothing strange and fish are all fine. Is it possilble my 3 snails starved to death? I think thats hard to believe since I have 45 lbs of LR.
Would you recommend purchasing a 'LARGE' cleanup crew from this site? Or is that to many creatures for a 55g aquarium?
I don't have a ton of algae per say but I think I've got a little cyano or diatoms starting to grow. Don't know enough yet on what I've got growing, but what I do know is that I don't have any clean up crew.
Please help

- Nathan


Active Member
Did you drip acclimate?
What do you have in the tank besides the snails?
Yes, I recommend buying a cleaning crew if you have fish from this site.
Everything they have sent to me has been great.
Denise M.


Right now I have 2 clowns and an cortez angel.
Didn't drip acclimate them. Whats the setup for this method? Would not using the drip method cause them to die 2 months later? What I did do was to add a cup of water every 15 minutes for an hour or so...then added them to my tank.
I guess I'm really scared to buy such a big crew after the 3 i had died and I don't know why. I would hate for them to starve to death.
- Nate


Active Member
they have packages under the reef packages.. one for a 55 gallon as a matter of fact... click up there on the left and see..
i have an actual drip acclimator.. an airline tube (thicker then normal) and a drip control valve, as well as a syringe to start the syphon..


Cool deal. I'm going to look into the drip acclimator.
I saw the 55 gallon crews but was concerned because there are so many creatures. Didn't know if my aquarium (only being 5 months old) could handle that large of a load.
Just want to make sure they don't meet an unfortunate end like the first 3.
Are there any water params they are ultra sensitive to?


Do you know some one that is a nurse? If you do have them get you an IV drip line they work great because you can adjust the flow from them very easily I will post a pic


Active Member
Originally Posted by quads4_lif
Here is a pic of the line I use

looks alot harder to keep clean then mine does..
6.99 is the cost of this one.. easy to keep clean


for 40 cents you can get a 4 foot peice of air tubing and tie a knot at the opposit end of the tank and tighten and loosen it for faster or slower drips..


Active Member
I bought a baby "C" clamp from HD and some tubing and now boys and girls you have a control drip acclimator for $1.34 and this includes tax.


Active Member
I too, just tie a know into the tubing and drip acclimate. Generally speaking, I drip acclimate for about an hour or two, depending on the fish and longer with inverts. Once the tubing gets too knotted up for a slow drip I cut it back, but it is harder to get regulated when one is tightening and loosening the knopt repeatedly.
I am trying to locate a slide for the tubing but I don't know any nurses to get me one. Anyone that wants to sell me one let me know.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
looks alot harder to keep clean then mine does..
6.99 is the cost of this one.. easy to keep clean
Did your local fish store sell this or what? I can't seem to locate anything like this anywhere.
Denise M.


Active Member
got it from a different website when i did a google search for an acclimator.. sounds kinda like home depot but the marine version..