clener Shimp question



should I invest in more of these "cleaner shrimp"
Cleaner Shimp
or will I be wasting my time I only have one now how many should i have or NOT have in a 100g FOWLR tank


Active Member
These are good shrimp but it depends on what kinda fish you are going to have in the tank?


Active Member
If you think that the cleaner shrimp will keep your fish disease free, they will be a waste.
However, many people keep cleaner shrimp because they are very cool creatures. They will often learn to eat out of your hand. Many people comment about the shrimp more than the fish when they see my tank for the first time.
In my 75 I have three cleaners, 1 blood red, 2 peppermint, 1 camelbacked and 1 tiger pistol shrimp.


Active Member
I think you could comfortably have four total in a tank of that size. That's not to say you "need" four, but it is a possibility. :)


Active Member
I thought it was only a Mantis Shrimp that would break glass, but I could be wrong. :)


Active Member
A mantis shrimp can break thin walled glass, such as the casing around a heater. However, I have never heard that a mantis shrimp could break the walls of a glass aquarium.
I have never heard of a pistol shrimp breaking anything. I have had mine in a glass aquarium for over 5 months and my tank has not broken. :)


Active Member
ok, i had heard something about the actual speed at which there pistol snaps, it was ungodly, i wasnt sure if i would brek the glass or not, its good to know though, thanx Todd


I have only got a few fish in the tank I have ....regal tang....yellow tank....Nemo (clownfish)...dragonet...and a few what shimp would help with disease ? of any ?


My cleaner shrimp and Blood shrimp are the two most hardiest creatures I've owned. They managed to survive my sea cucumber exploding which killed all my fish, along with being stuffed in my 20 (with everything else dying around them, spikes in all tests and an algae growth I've never see before) along with my rock. Once I got my 55 up again, sump added this time, the cleaner molted and is now king of the new tank.
I've become a big fan of these creatures..


Active Member
You could have them with thoughs fish I was wondering to make sure it wasnt an agressive tank "might be lunch in there" but yeah they are really cool shrimp and would work. Not all cleaners are "cleaners" but some will clean new comers to the tank of parisites many ppl have them and they do clean.