
For the last 2 months or so I have been hearing a loud pop/click noise every now and then in my tank. I have read several of the posts related to pistol/mantis shrimp and I am worried I have one. None of my peppermint shrimps are dead. I have lost some crabs due to them fighting each other and some snails die from no idea what but they werent battered, just dead. Is there anyway to try and lure out a mantis/pistol shrimp? I never see it at any time of the day.
You can get mantis shrimp traps or you could just use a glass bottle. Clean it, soak in dechlor or R/O for a few hours. Put a peice of fish food in it and sink it to the bottom with the opening facing your live rock. It takes a few days sometimes to a few weeks. Of course the bait has to be changed out every day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SaltWaterNoob
will it be easy to get the shrimp out? i dont want to see 1 of my peppermints get in there and die
yeah you can just dump it back into the tank.
I have an empty Captn Morgan bottle soaking in RO atm, ill give it 2 hours before immersion. Maybe the thing will get trashed and pass out.
I am guessing. My gf and I have yet to see what is making the noise. None of our cleaners are dead (besides natural causes and unnatural Cyano bloom >.<) or any of our fish. The noise started when I purchased some Fiji rock from the lfs. The only good thing that has happened so far is the glass bottle that I am using still had rum in it so I finished it off.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by itom37
So wait you have a pistol or a mantis shrimp or you're guessing that's what the sound is?
good point what fish do you have in your tank
a lightbulb finally appeared over my head and i found out that the shrimp can leave just as easy as they enter. bye bye glass bottle. i am going to pick up a trap tonight after work. lol im brain dead
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Mine turned out to be the hermit shells against the glass :)
lol same here. after buying the trap and then doing some experimenting with the shells .............. elementary my dear watson


Active Member
Did you all know that clowns can and do make the same noise from time to time..