Closed Loop Circulation Revisited


hello all, just wanted to share some pics of what I've done in the way of closed loop circulation.
This is a pic of the "from aquarium" manifold before installation, the pipes to the valves are 1.5" and the ball valves are 1"


another shot of 2 pumps installed ... I'll leave it at that for now unless someone has any specific questions LOL like I know what the heck I'm doing :eek:


Mac, if I were to do it again I'd probably go with 2 mag-18's. I thought I was buying myself some backup by going with 4 mag-7's but once I got them and saw how much room they took I regretted my decision. The thing is, because I've got it set up with the incoming 1" ball valves I'm not sure I could get the maximum flow now using only 1 input line to the pump if I was pushing that kind of volume per pump. I may investigate the posibilities later, right now I'm just trying to get the damn thing cycled LOL
Jarvis, as a matter of fact, NASA is just a couple of miles from here and I have noticed some strange lights hovering over the house. It's possible they are attempting to hijack my ideas without paying. Lord knows, this set up was a lot cheaper than what NASA pays for space-toilets right now :eek:
Thanks guys,


Nice set-up... I was wondering if those are 1" Valves then are the Barbes 3/4 or 5/8" Or are they also 1" Coming from the valves... I was just wondering? Martin


Martin, the barbs on the closed loop are all 3/4 going to clear pvc flex pipe. The return from the sump is a 1" flexible clear flex that you can find at almost any hardware store. The clear flex pvc is hard to find and the *only* barb fittings I found that would work are available online. If you're interested in sources etc. Drop me an e-mail.


Nope I don't really if you saw the scrap pvc and fittings in my garage you'd quickly understand that, since this is my first attempt at aquarium construction, it's ALL trial and error! LOL plus looking and reading about all the great things you guys on the board have created helped ALOT ... that being said, thanks alot broomer! Tank is cycling and looking really gross but should have some more construction pics up real soon :D


Active Member
Sounds good !
One last question
Did you build the tank too ?
It almost looked like "tile" construction in a few of the photo's ??
Or I just didn't see it right ??


Yeah Broomer, it's a DIY tank and those are tiles you see on the back wall. I used slate tiles and silicon as the adhesive. The tank shell is 3/4" ply and it's sheathed in 3/4" aromatic cedar. Here's a pic while it was being filled the first time :D I haven't got any pics yet of the tank with the hood on but I'll have some soon. Excuse the quality but we can't all be "ryebread's" you know :p
Talk to you later,


Active Member
That is a one of kind tank Paul !!!
Very unique ~ I like it and the stand for sure !!!
Keep us fed with new pics as you progress along.
Looking good so far.
Is that a shelf in the tank too ?
If so - what's that thing on the shelf ?


the tiles are very nice touch. you gave me a good summertime project. Make 3 pieces of concreate and argonite with some slap rock as shelfs. Now I just need to find a way to cure it.
I can just leave it out in the rain for years, because I wouldn't want to mess up the all the rock work. At least I will have it if I ever move.