Closed loop - who's right?


New Member
I have this link ( on google at rec.aquaria.marine.reefs ) to a discussion on a closed loop & was wondering who is right. There is a question about head pressure. Is there head on a closed loop or just friction loss?
closed loop link
(Scroll up to the top of the thread)


The pump has to produce a head (pressure) for the fluid to overcome the head losses of the system and for flow to occur.
Generally, for open systems, the head losses of a system are due to friction losses and the height the fluid must be raised above the discharge nozzle of the pump. If the pump is above the source then a suction head is subtracted. If the source is above pump suction then the elevation head is added to the discharge pressure of the pump.
In a closed loop system the elevation head should be equal to suction head (Because what goes up must come down)
Therefore, the losses in the system are due to friction losses.

bang guy

I agree except you need to add acceleration losses. Friction + acceleration.
You can normally count each 90 degree turn as about 1 foot of head (acceleration loss). Larger diameter tubing will have less friction loss.