Closed Loop


When running a closed loop what type of filter do you run on inside the tank for the input line on the pump? Some one mentioned a screen can anyone clarify the filter on the pvc?

tony detroit

Active Member
I wouldn't run a screen or filter, I would just run strainers, you don't want to have to reach in and clean the screen every couple weeks and move around the rockwork and whatnot.
Before you run a closed loop have you looked into upping your return pump?
I like closed loops but you have 10x the chance for a plumbing leak with them.


Do you have a picture of a strainer? The intake for the closed loop would be over the top. How far down should it be in the tank?
I'm talking with paul of oceansmotions about pump size with his 4 way. What would you recommend on a 90G reef tank?


my current return from the sump is 770 gph and i am aiming for 20x turnover so I think a 1300 gph pump or higher right?