Closed loop


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Bojik, my family is Italian.
You guys probably eat good then. Italian food is my favorite.


Originally Posted by Phixer
I remember the blizzard of 1982. Now that was a storm. When we opened our front door it looked like someone hung a white sheet up. Had to dig out.
Several Marines in my family. Are you still on active duty?
Yes, 23 years. And wish I worked in Coronado, but Miramar isn't bad. Had planned on retiring at 20 but changed my mind after 9/11. Wife is very understandin!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1knight164
Yes, 23 years. And wish I worked in Coronado, but Miramar isn't bad. Had planned on retiring at 20 but changed my mind after 9/11. Wife is very understandin!
We have more in common than I thought 23 yrs USN here. I know what ya mean.


I did a closed loop on my system here....And im very very happy I did. I got alot of ideas from Melevsreef .
Here is a couple pics of my system, I built my own sump and im using a mag 5 in it, so im getting about 3x turn over through my sump, and my CL is on a Dart 3600gph pump....and it couldnt be quiter!

Here you can see the pipe with the T fitting is the suction, and the return gets split up between 3 Dual output Lock Line outputs.

The tank has only been up a couple of weeks, but so far no problems at all with it, and the noisiest part about the whole setup is the ASM G2 skimmer....So its pretty dam quiet


Originally Posted by Phixer
We have more in common than I thought 23 yrs USN here. I know what ya mean.
Time flies, doesn't it. After boot camp I said I was done! Wrong answer. Do any of these ring a bell:
Belleau Wood 87-88
Tarawa 89
Essex 94-95
Pelelieu 97
Tarawa 99-00