closed zoos


How do you guys get the sand out of your zoos? I was doing a water
change and accidentally got sand on my zoos and now they wont
open up. It's been a whole day still not open. Should I shake
them gently upside down?


Active Member
Originally Posted by CoralJunkie
you might try a turkey baster to blow water over them
That or direct a power head onto them for a minute. ANd next time that happens either turn them as you suggested or blow the sand off of them right away. You won't hurt them by turning them or blowing the sand off with something, but you can hurt them by leaving them with a covering of sand.
On a reef when storms come thoguh silt and sand do cover many of the corals on the reef, but after the storm currents clean them and those that don't get cleaned off usually die.


Originally Posted by forsfed50
How do you guys get the sand out of your zoos? I was doing a water
change and accidentally got sand on my zoos and now they wont
open up. It's been a whole day still not open. Should I shake
them gently upside down?
Yes, you can shake them upside down or use a turkey baster.